A Cosmetic Dermatologist Should Learn The Latest Technology

Dermatologists: What do they do?

A dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in treating skin, hair, nail, and mucous membrane disorders and diseases. They can also address cosmetic issues, helping to revitalize the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that, in the United States, there were 39 million visits to office-based dermatologists, who were not federally employed, in 2010. Below, we explore common issues that dermatologists encounter, the treatments they offer, and the qualifications involved.

What is dermatology?

Dermatology is an area of medicine that focuses on health issues affecting the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.


It is important to know that a dermatologist has a full license or certification before visiting them. Some practitioners in spas and beauty clinics call themselves dermatologists but do not have the necessary accreditation

Common conditions

Being a dermatologist requires a great depth of clinical knowledge, including, for example, the various internal health problems that can cause skin symptoms

How to Choose a Dermatologist

The importance of learning about your skin and how to take great care of it is substantial—and oftentimes overlooked. As the body’s largest organ, the skin needs consistent upkeep to remain healthy and in its top condition, which is why people bathe, moisturize, and visit their dermatologist on a regular basis

Dermatology is complex yet vital to your health, especially in Arizona—a state known for high temperatures and constant sunshine. People carrying on with their normal routine in temperatures reaching as high as 115 degrees during the summer need to pay extra attention to their skin.

That’s where your dermatologist comes in. It takes a licensed professional with years of experience to diagnose a variety of rashes, moles, and other irregularities that might occur, as well as prescribe the right treatment based on your personal needs.

But what are the top qualities you should look for in a dermatologist in the sunny? Well to start, we recommend doing your research before choosing a dermatologist, and establishing a set of expectations before your first visit.

Dermatologists, what do they do exactly?

You should know that Dermatology isn’t all rashes, facelifts, and fillers. Dermatology encompasses the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of all diseases related to the skin, hair, nails, and oral cavity. These specialists in white coats aren’t all talk, they literally do it all!

Tips for Choosing the Right Skincare Products

A silky-smooth texture, a vibrant glow, and a rich, even color are hallmarks of beautiful skin. If that’s what you’re after, you must develop a rock-solid skincare routine that involves choosing the right products. Though intimidating at first, with a little bit of knowledge you’ll find yourself whizzing through the world of skincare like a pro.

Tips for Choosing the Right Skincare Products

From fancy creams and serums to masks and ointments, selecting skincare products can seem overwhelming, especially when you don’t know what you’re looking for or where to start. Your skin is as unique as a fingerprint, and caring for it means learning how to build your own routine with the right products to support your skincare goals. Use these tips to get started.

Know your skin type

Getting to know your skin type is the best place to start when you’re considering building a skincare routine. Figure out your skin type — oily, dry, sensitive, or combination. The goal is to add products to your regimen designed for your specific skin type.

Know your needs

Take some time to think about your skin’s needs. Perhaps you have fine lines that you want to diminish. Maybe you have persistent acne that isn’t responding to your normal routine, or large pores that you want to minimize the appearance of. The products you choose need to effectively address the issues you’re most concerned about.

Know the basics

Regardless of what type of skin you have, the four skincare commandments form the basis of every good regimen


We are an internationally recognized Department that offers our patients expert and individualized care. Using the most advanced medical tools available, we achieve outstanding results.

We diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, including:

Common skin issues: eczema, acne, warts, psoriasis, and others

Complex skin disorders: skin cancer, autoimmune disorders, skin problems due to systemic illnesses

Cosmetic concerns: fine lines and wrinkles, hair removal, unwanted tattoos, acne scars, skin rejuvenation, and others

Exceptional dermatologists: Our Department’s medical and surgical dermatologists are all highly trained and experienced. Our team of dermatologists includes leading experts in their fields, all of whom have made significant achievements in patient care, research, and academic teaching.

Convenient, personalized care: Whether treating the simplest issue or the most complex conditions, our physicians put patients first. Each patient receives a unique care plan based upon their individual condition and goals.

Proven patient satisfaction: Our approach has led to high patient satisfaction rates among our 70,000 patient visits per year


Tips for Finding the Right Person to Help You Look Your Best

A qualified cosmetic dermatologist, supported by the equipment and resources of a quality facility, can do wonders to help you feel better about your appearance and maintain healthy skin. This article provides tips to help you select the skin-care specialist who you will feel best seeing.

Quality – A knowledgeable, qualified specialist will help you select the right treatments that will achieve the best results for you.

Safety –  Most importantly, a qualified professional will have the training and qualifications to provide an equal commitment to your safety and health.

Here’s a list of questions that you should ask any clinic offering these services:

Does a board certified physician actually perform or supervise the treatments on-site? Board certification means the doctor has had additional training and testing in that specialty.

Is the doctor a Board Certified: Dermatologist by either the American Academy of Dermatology or the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology? These are the only two legitimate dermatology certifying bodies in the US.

If a patient has a complication or unwanted side effect, what happens? It is important to have confidence in your provider’s protocols in these situations.

How long has the clinic been providing these treatments? Make sure you feel good about how long the facility has been providing the treatment you will receive.

Who is the medical director of your clinic and are they a Board Certified: Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon, Ophthalmologist or Otolaryngologist?

Can you have a consultation with a Board Certified Dermatologist at your appointment?

Does the medical director actually see and treat patients at your clinic or does your clinic/medispa use their name, Drug Enforcement Agency number and medical license to purchase medically controlled products/lasers and medications (like BOTOX® Cosmetic and Restylane) in exchange for financial compensation?

When coming in for a medical or laser treatment is a complete medical history taken and reviewed by a board certified physician before any treatments are provided?This is important to ensure extra precautions are taken if your medical history warrants them or indicates a particular procedure could not be safe.

Does anyone affiliated with your clinic have any sanctions against them filed with the State Board of Medical or Nursing Practice?